No. 146 - Poked and Prodded
I can't believe how easily ya'all are amused! Wanting to know what job(s) I've been fired from? Now I have to start thinking about what they all were and why. I'm not sure how much detail I feel comfortable giving out as I'm sure you will lose some, if not all, respect (I use the word loosely) for me. I will have to give some deep thoughts to that under a separate post as it's time to move on to...
IVF #2 BlahBlah!
Today was CD7 and I had an early RE appt that included not one, but two gougings of my arm for blood. The one on my right is especially beautiful and reminds me of a desert sunset (insert "ooh" or "aah" here). The Wandwitch was in her full gory, er...excuse me, glory. I made it quite clear to her that my cervix has never, and will never, have a 45 degree angle in it. Therefore, an attempt to view my left ovary by digging into my nether regions with the cootercam only succeeded in me exclaiming, "That hurts!" Of course, there was no apology, just an excuse that she needed to see what was going on. I told her that I understand why she is doing it, but "I'm still entitled to bitch about it." Point made.
Lefty is being rather slovenly at this point: just two smallish follicles. Righty has been a little more productive and there's 3 notable follicles at 12mm and under, plus another 3 lollygagging around. Hardly remarkable, but considering where I was last time I consider this a slight improvement. Even my E2 (estrogen) levels are better. I'm sure I won't have the retrieval success Ms. Suzanne had (she's apparently been sandbagging), but I at least know we'll make it to that stage.
After seeing the RE, I went for a third acupuncture appointment. I got the needle between the eyes and on top of my head again, and I'm thinking I don't like those two very much. The next time I see her will be the day of the transfer. She better make an embryo stick or I'm coming back to put a needle between HER eyes. You'll be able to read about it in the paper.
I start the antagon Friday nite and return to the RE on Saturday a.m. (bright and early between 7 and 7:30. You try that with a 2 hour drive first!) for another US and bruising. I'm guessing our retrieval (and hopefully a subsequent transfer) will be early next week. So for those of you who are going to the Confab (details soon as I get any...hint, hint, Alexa), you can experience the tail-end of my 2WW with me. At least I can go with the assurance I will be PUPO (see "How to Win Friends..." in my sidebar for acronym meanings).
Personal factoid: I would save tadpoles out of the nearby mudholes that were drying up by filling my plastic swimming pool with hundreds of them during the summer when I was a kid.
9 Punches:
I'm so glad for the update and that you're hanging in there. In less than a week, you'll be ready. I am so excited for you and for this opportunity to continue. You sound so go, except for the wand proding part.
Wow, next week already! very exciting, and glad signs are more positive this time. Lets go ovaries. I'm also very sorry to hear about your niece, I'm just catching up after a few days. It's terribly sad
I cant' believe it's almost here already either! Sending you lots of good egg growing vibes :-)
I'm so jealous you're going to Confab.
You are so on top of this stuff and I'm excited for you that it's happening next week. Sending good thoughts for many follicles.
Wow, moving right along! I am so jealous as I languish sniffing.
DD's coming to Confab!!! whoo-hoo.
Wow, next week! How very exciting and scary!! It would be nice if they would be a tad bit gentler with the wanding. It'll all be worth it though...
See I knew you were good people... Saving those little tadpoles. How adorable is that?
I had the needles in the head years ago. LOVE LOVE LOVE acupuncture. Works wonders.
Good stuff about the tadpoles. My boy likes to save worms from the driveway after a storm. He tries to help them get back in the ground. Maybe he's 30% evil too.
Good luck with the retrieval.
Awww tadpoles. I have an affinity for froggies, and saving all those tadpoles is just good karma. Frogs are symbols of fertility in many indigenous cultures... good karma can only help, especially froggish karma in these next days :)
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