Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blogger is Pissing Me Off!

OK, fine! Blogger/Blogspot won't let me post anything HMTL. I don't know why and I don't know when they decided to do that as I know I have posted such things before (Remember the "What kind of Freaky Mother are you?" from Quizilla?). I had no problem with that.

But recently I have tried posting things that were HMTL text and I get a big fat no-fucking-way from Blogger.

Also, I hate the pink. I thought it would appeal to the feminine side of my readers (sorry, early presumptions) so I went with it, but frankly I hate it and now I don't know how to change it without losing some of my other custom stuff.

One last problem: below my Guestmap I tried posting a minipoll. Instead, when you clicked on what one would think was the minipoll, because that's what the g-damn thing looked like, you were sent to my map. Notice the goofy asterisk uner "bloglines"? That was going to be my bloglines made public so I wouldn't have the links, which was where I was going to put my acronym list I have been amassing these past months. Well, click on that asterisk and see what happens....(I'll wait)...yep! The stupid map! AAaaagh! So if any of you are closet computer geeks, please come to my rescue before I go midieval on my blogger's ass!

Curse you, Blogger!

3 Punches:

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Cricket said...

I've worried the same about changing my template. B/c so many use my template, I want to change the picture across the top to be a snip from one of my paintings, but I haven't been able to get the proportions right. Frustrating.

Periodically, usually after edits, I cut/paste/email the template back to myself so I have a record. Maybe you could do that, then change your template to something else, and paste your edits back where they belong.

Or, if you just want to change the colors and not the greater template, go to a html color site (I forget which I used, let me know if you can't find one) and substitute 3 other colors that go together and are the proper density.

As an easier option, b/c the posts and sidebar pinks are light, just pick a different, strong-toned color for the dark pink background. Maybe a royal blue (and you - or I could do it for you - could tint the pic blue, too - blue, good color for knocked out!) or a strong coral would work. Even the right shade of red. Or go all black with the background (and on the template page, change the top bar to black, too) - that would look great with the picture and other pinks, too.

I love this stuff - even if my site doesn't reflect it - and I'd be glad to help.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Demeter said...


Copy and paste the code you have added into an email, send it to me and let me see what you have. Perhaps you didn't close your HTML brakets?

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. I can't help you.

I just learned how to insert a hyperlink but I still can't figure out if you can insert a hyperlink in the comments, and the other day, I couldn't post a pic of me when we were talking about celebrity look alikes...


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