Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Botox cured my PMS!

Today I am totally in the "down phase" of my PMS, taking away the 1% chance that I was clinging to that I may really be pregnant, just not showing the typical signs. I even decided to keep my appointment for botox.

Now before anyone thinks how vain I must be, this is the scoop: back in March, I attended a local non-for-profit company's money-raising event. They had a botox consult and treatment on one of the silent-auction items that no one had bid on last year so I thought if I could get it at the starting price, it would be a steal. So there I was at the end of the night holding a gift-certificate for botox.

After months of putting it off because I was sure that "this time" I was pregnant, I asked my RE who said I might as well get it done before I get pregnant as opposed to after as the pregnant female body tends NOT to process things the same way it does not pregnant.

I kept the little ice pack they used to numb the space between my brows (my trouble spot). I think it will be a nice to use on my thighs when I start up the lovely Follistim later this week. As an added benefit to the whole thing, a day later those little worry lines have met their match. My RE was right, this initiation to botox was just a way to suck me in for more. No wonder so many get it done.

Now for the next few months, I'll look worry-free on the outside while I'm completely stressing out on the inside. I'm sure that can't be good.

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